Thursday, 4 October 2012

Getting 6 Pack Abs is All in Your Head ( Part 1 )

Getting 6 Pack Abs is All in Your Head ( Part 1 )

Out of the millions of people who start any fat loss program – only a tiny percentage actually see their program through to completion and many of them in fact regain their weight and then some.

Are you one of them?

How many times have you decided to get in great shape – only to ‘fall off the wagon’ a few days later?

Are you in fact what we call a “serial starter”?

You know what I mean, you start every Monday morning and by Tuesday night all your great intentions are nothing but a pipe dream and you find yourself standing in a queue at McDonalds.

In this series of short articles I’m going to share with you tips and strategies for STARTING AND FINISHING your six pack quest or personal weight loss plan.

What I am about to share with you is not just important but crucial to your success. Many people will call thisthe missing link to getting 6 pack abs at all.

You see the best fat loss program in the world only works if you FOLLOW it consistently until you have reached your goal. And you are only going to follow it day in and day out if you stay motivated, focused and are 100% disciplined. And you are only going to stay motivated and focused if you learn how to control your mind and that is exactly what I am going to teach you over the next few articles.

Now make no mistake, we are not talking about some mystical Jedi tricks here. We are talking provenstraight forward techniques that is going to help you become strong enough mentally so that you will never want to skip an early workout session or a healthy meal ever again!

Ok let’s get started.
Define success

Start with a clear vision of exactly where you want to go. Saying you want to lose weight just won’t cut it. Get specific and make it measurable. If you are looking to get a six pack – 7 – 8% body fat should be your goal. For others it maybe to get to a size 8 or to lose 100Ibs..

Set your goal and write it down right now..
Get clear on your ‘why’..

Having a goal is one thing but what makes a goal powerful is your reason ‘why’..

Losing weight to fit into your clothes is one thing, but losing weight so that you finally feel like you fit in with your ‘friends’ after years of cruel comments is something completely different ..

Losing weight so that you can play with your kids or to avoid an early grave is more powerful again..

You see we all want to lose weight or get in great shape because of what we believe that will do for us.. Your reason why ads emotion to your goals..

Eg I will feel more confident, more attractive, I’ll finally get the girl / guy of my dreams..

If your ‘why’ doesn’t create an emotional response.. You haven’t dug down deep enough..

Your why should make you feel excited or upset / angry (depending on whether its a positive or negative)

Create a Positive reason why and a negative reason why

Positive Eg. Im going to lose 100ibs so that when I go to my high school reunion this summer, I look and feel great.. (Excited)

Negative Eg: I’m going to lose 100ibs because I’m sick and tired of looking and feeling like crap, I’m sick of not socialising because I’m embarrassed about how I look, I’ve lost all my confidence… Enough is enough. (Upset / angry)

Your reasons why will become your guiding light when times get tough. When you have to make the decision to eat that pizza or stick with your plan.. ask yourself why am I doing this??

Your powerful reasons why should help you stay on track.

I’m doing this because I’m sick and tired of looking and feeling like crap.. Im sick of the cruel jokes, I’m sick of not getting the girls.

Get pissed off about it!! Then ask yourself.. Do you still want that pizza!!?

Put your reasons why somewhere you will see them every day and read them daily.. Make them part of you.. Ingrain them.
Planning and preparation

Most people put more effort into planning a weekend break than their health and fitness!

Open your diary and chose your start date. Use Peter’s calculator ( GO HERE ) to estimate your goal completion date, in between this (your goal start and end date) add in any parties, birthdays etc where you know you will be off your diet.. These will become your cheat days / meals. (max 1 per week)

Add in all your other cheat days so that you have one mapped out for each week until you hit your goals.

Next, Break down your goals into mini goals – and plan rewards for hitting your mini goals, I’d recommend things such as massage treatments or new training gear. Whatever it is – make it something that you really look forward too! – But don’t reward yourself with food or drink.

That’s not a great habit that we want to strengthen!!

These rewards can be very motivating. I’ve seen people really push hard when they know there is an additional reward at the end!

Next add in all your training days – I’d recommend that you try to train at the same time each day so that it becomes part of your routine and you start to build good habits.

Make this time a priority – NOTHING comes before it. It’s the most important part of the day for you. (after all its your health we are talking about – it should be a priority)

I’d also recommend working out first thing on a morning your energy levels (motivation) is usually higher than after a full / stressful day at work. And once your workout is done.. Nothing can get in the way.

Next ensure you have everything you need to complete your challenge.

Here is a short list of things I’d recommend
Training shoes
Training Clothes
Adjustable dumbbells
Set of body fat scales or callipers
Stop watch
A hard back book to record your workouts
A diary

Now we have all your pre start preparation completed. We have set your goal. Created your positive and negative reasons why, planned your transformation and have all the necessary ‘tools’ that you need.

In Part two we will look at developing habits so you make the right choices automatically! Imagine never struggling with your weight again. This is what happens when you install good habits!!

Look out for part two in a few days time.

Author : Dave Berriman BSc (Hons) Sports Science

David is a trainer based in the UK who specialises in fat loss and body transformation.

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